Open On Not Rocking It Like a Pro
On Not Rocking It Like a Pro
You want to postpartum like a pro.
That’s what the latest ad says.
Before I was pregnant, my ads often featured fancy notebooks, occasionally a new planner system or some sort of online course about how to attract more clients to my business. All of these told me what they would do for me, how their products would transform my life.
But none of these ads presumed to tell me what I wanted.
The pregnancy ads, and, increasingly the ads for nursing bras, lactation smoothies, and portable pumps, as the algorithm seems to know exactly how pregnant I am—are much more pushy.
I can’t avoid wondering if this is because of the culturally gendered nature of pregnancy, the way that in so many ways, anyone who has ever lived in the world in any way aligned with femaleness and/or femininity is presumed to be impractical, confused, unsure of what they want.
Is pregnancy assumed to be such a disempowering time for me that I can no longer be trusted to know what I want for my